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Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara (Sahasra-Bhuja-Avalokiteshvara) - bronze, Nepal/ Tibet,early 20th century, the Bodhisattva of Boundless Compassion in its eleven-headed and thousand-armed manifestation stands upright on a double lotus base, placed on a trapezoidal throne pedestal, the one head on top belongs to Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Pure Land with whom Avalokiteshvara was associated, nine heads wearing sumptuous five-pointed crowns and large ear pendants, the entire body is richly bejewelled with various necklaces, bangles and some belt and foot ornaments, multi-layered wraparound skirt reaching his ankles, flanked by separately attached dcarf elements, a gazelle skin hanging over the left shoulder as symbol of Avalokiteshvaras unlimited compassion, the ''thousand'' arms of the deity, each containing a single eye, fan out in a circular fashion,all performing the ''gesture of granting the best'', according to the Nyingmapa tradition his main hands clasp the wish-fulfilling jewel 'cintamani' (the manidhara-mudra resembles the respectful gesture of greeting and obeying (anjali-mudra), the second pair of hands carry a prayer-chain and a lotus-blossom, the other hands located closer to the body hold implements such as the jewel of teachings, bow and arrow,longevity vase (skr.kalasha) or presenting the wish gesture(varada-mudra) , the thousand arms and eyes of the bodhisattva were correspondingly identified as the result of his vow to save all suffering beings, sculpture cast in various parts, figure / arm wings removable, Height c.133cm/ weight c.49kg Shipping only with freight forwarder due to weight and size!
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